We work in MVP development, technical solutioning, architecture, development, validation, cost analysis, pricing engineering, etc.

We recognize that creating a great product involves meticulous planning, research, and development. Our MVP (minimum viable product) development is focused on developing a working and viable solution with features that meets your users’ basic needs. Our goal is to assist in swiftly validating the market viability of the product and gathering user input so that we can make the required improvements before investing substantial time and resources in full-scale development.

Have a look at a use case of what Podlabs does. We capture video, run a AI/ML pipeline for analysis and generate output. etc.

Podlabs is India based human analysis firm. We discern people’s behavior, feelings, attitudes, thoughts, and cognitive states and report it to brands, media companies, social media platforms, research institutions to improve their Product, content and service offerings. We analyse, manage and synthesise data from a diverse range of sources, from focus groups and sample surveys to social media and large databases.


For more details visit: www.podlabs.in

