Case Studies


Enhancing Data Reliability for a Multi-State Healthcare Company

The Challenge

The multi-state healthcare company specializes in delivering reliable care services to its patients. However, they faced a critical challenge concerning the reliability of their data processing programs. Complex business rules and the dynamic nature of data issues often led to failures in data processing. In situations where source data was available only once, such as when a new medicine was prescribed to a patient, the data could not be retrieved if the data processing program failed. This unreliability in data severely impacted the company’s ability to make informed business decisions.

The Solution

To address this challenge and ensure data reliability, a robust solution was implemented. When dealing with source data available only once (maximum one delivery of an event), the priority was to convert it into an “at least once” delivery model. This required the persistence of data until the data processing program successfully processed it.

Athena Health provided several subscription APIs that offered new or modified data since the last subscription read. These subscriptions essentially functioned as message queues. The solution involved persisting this data in an Azure service bus topic. A straightforward job was created to consume Athena Health subscription data and store it in the Azure service bus topic. As this job did not involve complex business logic, the chances of failure were minimal. A second crucial job then read from the Azure Service Bus topic, implemented complex business logic, managed exceptional cases, and, upon successful processing, removed the data from the topic. In cases of program failure, the data underwent up to 5 configurable retry attempts and was persisted for up to 10 configurable days until all issues were resolved, and successful reprocessing occurred.

The Result

The implementation of this solution had a profound impact on data reliability for the multi-state healthcare company. It significantly improved their ability to accurately identify patient problems/conditions and access patient ordering information during patient visits or when planning appointments. With a more reliable data processing system in place, the company could make more informed decisions and deliver even more dependable care services to their patients.

This client success story showcases how Fulz Tech’s solution enhanced data reliability for a multi-state healthcare company, ultimately empowering them to provide more dependable care services and make informed patient-centric decisions.

Tools and Platforms Used

Azure Logic Apps
Azure Service Bus - Brokened Messaging
Azure DevOps
